B-School Summer 2024 registration is now closed.

Since becoming a B-School affiliate in 2018, I’ve welcomed nearly 200 creatives into B-School. First and foremost, being an affiliate is a position of trust and I take it very seriously. 

If you admire me and my business and want to build your own big-hearted and creative business—with Marie Forleo and me as your mentors—please join us in B-School! 

B-School Basics

➨ B-School is an interactive online video-based training program. 

➨ B-School includes six modules with training videos and audio, templates, resource lists, worksheets, private B-School member site, live group coaching calls and a really strong and supportive online community.  

➨ It is really effective to take the course "live" with other students, but you can take it at your own pace if you prefer. 

➨ You have access to B-School for life and can take it as often as you like, year after year. 

➨ B-School is $2499 USD (monthly payment plan available). 

Registration is open July 16–26!


Marie Forleo's B-School has been so integral to my business that I want to share the course with you. I will earn a portion of every registration that results because of my testimonials and promotional efforts. If you decide to take B-School, please use my registration link so that I'll earn your referral—and you'll qualify for my bonuses, too. Signups to Marie's free training are also tracked.  Thank you!

Get unique bonuses when you sign up via my links:

✔ A one-year subscription or renewal to UPPERCASE magazine.
$96–$144 value


✔ Group coaching when Summer School concludes—figure out what comes next! Learn from me and fellow creatives. My group coaching calls are open to current B-Schoolers and alumni, too, so you’ll get a full perspective. $100 value

✔ Access to our private B-School group in the UPPERCASE Circle. This is our gathering place that includes handy summaries of each B-School lesson and how they apply to creative businesses, discussion boards for focussed conversation plus support and encouragement from Janine and your fellow UPPERCASE B-Schoolers and Alumni. Access is available year-round and you can use the group for accountability, advice and self-promotion. I will be there to answer your questions as we make our way through B-School together. $400 value

✔ Free access to my forthcoming course! I’m developing a course that will present my methods for productivity, planning, focus and promotion—it’s a course about the practical skills and mindsets for running a business built upon creativity. It’s an excellent companion to B-School. It’s still in development, but you’ll be the first to be invited when it launches. $497 value

✔ Get published in an UPPERCASE project!
B-Schoolers get front-of-the-line consideration to be included in the weekly newsletter, in the print magazine and in upcoming book projects. GREAT promotional value

“Marie Forleo’s B-School helped me rediscover the joy of running a creative business and showed me the potential for living generously.”


Proof that B-School worked for me!

From stagnant sales (and $50,000 in debt) to profits in matter of months.

Since taking B-School in 2014, I've taken a personal approach to my communications and marketing and I've embraced a forthright and honest style in my writing. I share quite a bit with my readers and go into detail about how and why I make decisions. I've talked about the struggles I've faced in my business. 

This is an approach that Marie Forleo teaches in B-School: communicating with one's customers should be a service to them. 

And so I offer my own perspectives, realizations, trials and errors with you so that you might also benefit from my failures and join me in celebrating the successes. I'm transparent with my business. 

I’ve generated a sales graph from Shopify, from when I started selling online in October 2007 until the end of December 2018, marking the release of the 10th Anniversary issue of UPPERCASE magazine. 

From my very early days of e-commerce, selling artwork, greeting cards and handmade paper goods online, to the release of the first issue, the birth of my son... the graph tells the story of UPPERCASE's growth as a company and me as an entrepreneur.

You can see that there was an immediate positive effect and spike in sales once I started taking B-School. Click here to see an even more detailed, larger chart.

The magazine had modest growth in the early years. I had help in my retail space for a number of years, and with being a new mom and trying to grow my publishing company, I assumed the logical thing would be to hire more help for the magazine. 

As online sales were steadily increasing month over month and I was closing the retail location to concentrate on publishing, I brought on some employees specifically to manage orders and subscriptions. In 2012, I had a marketing manager, too. We were a nice little team for a while, but as you can see on the graph, there was no growth. Monthly sales were stagnating and the team and I weren't meeting the minimum monthly sales quota required to keep the ship afloat. 

Desperate for a solution to keep my beloved publishing business alive, I used my credit card and enrolled in B-School. I started implementing what I was learning right away. I was scraping the bottom of my line of credit and faced running out of funds to pay my considerable print bills. As the sole earner in the family, UPPERCASE was the only thing supporting my family. 

I had to lay everyone off and forego my salary. 

I call it my big "reboot." 

I pulled the plug on my expectations of what a "real" publishing company looked like and returned to my roots: just me. 

Regular readers will know I'm a hard worker, but I never worked harder than that year following the reboot. The spikes in the graph are a testament to the extreme effort I put into kicking UPPERCASE into a profitable company. Without the burden of other people's salaries, plus monthly growth in online sales, I was very quickly out of the financial hole. Soon, UPPERCASE was turning a profit. And it continues to be on an upward trajectory.

Taking B-School—and more importantly, taking B-School to heart—was the catalyst that I needed to put my company on a financially sustainable path.

Deborah LeFrank (B-School 2016) made this sketchnote of my conversation with Marie Forleo!