UPPERCASE Magazines & Books: Wholesale

Ordering Wholesale

Please use a computer (not a phone or tablet) to place recurring wholesale orders. thank you.

If you are in North America and would like to stock each issue of the magazine as it is published, we offer Recurring Wholesale OrderEach quarterly issue will be automatically shipped to your shop. Automatic payments and receipts make this the ideal option for busy shopkeepers. Have access to your order history and receipts and log in to update your info, quantities or pause your orders at any time. 

For stockists in North America, available wholesale items are listed here in the wholesale section of the online shop. All wholesale items have the word "wholesale" in the title—be careful not to navigate into the general retail section of the online shop. 

We ship from a fulfillment warehouse in Toronto. US-destined parcels are trucked across the border and then put into USPS. The shopping cart will automatically calculate shipping costs based on your order weight, location and shipping preferences. 

And if you have any questions, please email shop@uppercasemagazine.com with your query.

Magazine Distribution


As of April 2024, Magazines Canada (and Disticor) no longer represent UPPERCASE magazine. Please order directly through UPPERCASE via a Recurring Order of 6 or more copies. 

Small Changes
serves the Pacific Northwest with UPPERCASE magazine. We don't have a distributor for our books in the US, please order directly through us.

Please contact Central Books for the current issue, back issues and books. If you use a North American freight forwarder, you are welcome to order through UPPERCASE directly.

Click on the image for product details & pricing.

Be careful to stay within the wholesale section. All wholesale items will have that word in the product name and be reflected in the pricing.