Start before you're ready.
Are you actively considering B-School this year? For quite a lot of students, they think about taking B-School for a few years before actually enrolling. Barriers to enrolling might be financial, concerns about the time commitment, or just feeling like "I'm not ready yet."
But there are many reasons why enrolling now is the best use of your time and resources.
Being financially responsible to your current circumstances is very important. There are scholarships available and a monthly payment plan. If neither of these options is suitable for you, then commit to saving toward B-School over the 12 months and enroll in 2021.
Personally, I was so enamoured with Marie's free training (I applied what I learned and immediately saw results!) that I decided to put the course on credit card and worry about it later. I was already tens of thousands of dollars in the hole at that point, so my attitude was, "What's a couple more thousand?" It wasn't exactly prudent and I made a gut instinct decision to enroll, but I was confident that I would be able to pay it off. In fact, applying what I was learning in real time, I had my first $50,000 month of sales in March 2014, while immersed in the course!
Of course, everyone's situation is unique and those sorts of results are not guaranteed... but just know that it is possible! I would not be actively promoting this program if it hadn't provided such measurable results for my business.
Taking B-School live is very effective because you have the momentum of your fellow students and live encouragement, calls and feedback from Marie and her team of mentors. At a minimum, over the 8-week period, you will need about 3-4 hours per week to watch the videos and do the basics on the worksheets ("funsheets" as Marie calls them!) Marie recommends at least 4-6 hours per week. If you can spare one hour for 5 out of 7 days, you've got this covered. (tough love: just look at your phone usage stats and see how much time you've spent with your device this week.)
But Marie is fond of saying "There's no behind in B-School!" and indeed, once the course modules have been released, they stay available to you year-round. You can do the program in full or in part at your own pace and schedule.
If time is a concern, there are ways of optimizing your efforts (ie download the audio files of the lessons and take them on the go, listening to them like a podcast.) Or do the first pass of B-School just concentrating on the video content and deep dive into the worksheets later.
If you're waiting for personal or career circumstances to line up in a perfect way, that's not going to happen. Circumstances aren't going to be ideal now for you to take B-School, nor will they continue to be perfect when you're launching or running your creative enterprise.
There are always factors beyond our control that affect us, our families, our career and our business. In my experience, the best way to build up tolerance, resilience and self-reliance in the face of the unknown is to just do.
Marie often concludes a video by saying, "Take action now." Although simple advice, if you actually take action—every moment, every day, no matter how small or significant—the momentum, stamina and confidence that you can build is amazing.
Where there's a will, there's a way definitely applies. Once you're in, you'll see that the content, the pace and the community are all energizing factors to keep you going. Marie also recommends, "Start before you're ready," and it's true.
You will be that much further ahead tomorrow if you start today.
When you enroll, you get immediate access to two programs that can help if you're feeling unsure about your direction. Start the Right Business is incredibly useful (even if you have a business already!) to help you begin B-School with a clear concept and framework upon which to base your studies. With the Follow-through Formula, you'll have the right mindset to succeed in the course and beyond.
Registration only happens once a year.