Vintage Life

Vintage Life is Volume V in the UPPERCASE Encyclopedia of Inspiration. The profiled people and businesses have immersed themselves in the aesthetics, technologies and trends of bygone eras. Vintage sellers and dealers, collectors, interior decorators, stylists, writers, musicians and creative souls. When living in the past is the only way to be! 

448 pages of gorgeous, exuberant inspiration. A must-have for lovers of vintage aesthetics.


Available in the UK and Europe from Central Books.

Vintage Life has a dust jacket that can be folded to reveal one of four designs. Keep the jacket around your book or use it for gift wrap, collages or other creative projects.

A message from the editor

In one way or another, most of my creative endeavours at UPPERCASE publishing are influenced by a love of old things. A personal obsession with typewriters led to researching and writing a book on the subject. An appreciation of vintage textiles? I published a book entitled Feed Sacks. Vintage typography and gorgeous old graphics? You’ll find that in Ephemera

The people profiled within the pages of Vintage Life have immersed themselves in the aesthetics, technologies and trends of bygone eras. Vintage sellers, collectors, decorators, stylists, writers, musicians, artists, designers and other creative old souls. And in the same way that they collect vintage artifacts, clothing and furniture, I collect inspiration from these items, not to furnish a home, style a photo or decorate a retail shop, but rather to populate the pages of books. 

Publishing an Encyclopedia of Inspiration is a throwback to another era, to a time when the news was on paper and print materials were sources of knowledge and entertainment—rather than the digital devices now consuming our attention. 

Also in this series:

Needle & Thread Bundle
Print & Paper Bundle
Art & Artisan Bundle
Old & Ephemeral Bundle
Feed Sacks (2025 reprint)
Glue (preorder)
Rag & Pulp